Green Birds and Pigeons in Barcelona, Spain

Green Birds and Pigeons in Barcelona, Spain

If you’ve landed on this page, you are seeing the picture above out of context. This is a media attachment page. The blog creates them for every image on the site. Fortunately, it’s possible to add a little explanation, like this one.

The green birds in the picture are Quaker Parrots, also known as Monk Parakeets. Quaker Parrots are not native to Spain, they originally come from Argentina and other South American countries.

Spanish people used to import these colourful green birds and keep them as pets. Some of them escaped or were set free. The species flourished in the warm climate and, by the mid 1970s, these green birds had colonies in many Spanish cities including Madrid and Barcelona.

I uploaded this picture to accompany, a blog post about the week I spent in Barcelona. It’s not about green birds in particular but if you want to read it, here’s a link to the page: A Week in Barcelona